Public letters from the past

These letters include an Epilogue, which is an update written by the original author after receiving their letter from the past. When enough people "Like" a letter, we'll let the author know readers are interested in an update.

Time Travelled — almost 1 year

A letter from September 4th, 2019

Dear FutureMe, I threw myself away. My hobbies, my feelings, my beliefs. I just want to be that plain human that lives to survive and aurvives to live. Nothing more and nothing less. Sure, art seems a bit extra effort for me, but I guess that'll be my onky way of showing true and genuine affection. I've had enough of this ********. Just a few more years and I'll graduate. Just a few more years...

Time Travelled — almost 5 years

A letter from January 21st, 2020

Dear FutureMe, I hope you're doing well, not too troubled by those hallucinations. I hope for us they're just temporary and that they'll go away soon, we don't wanna be schizo do we :/ Anyways, you gotta study you little ****, I wonder what you're school when this gets delivered. I really hope you're doing something related to languages and maths is going a little better. How's your little brot...

Time Travelled — almost 3 years

A letter to 17 yr old me... Well Almost...

Dear FutureMe, Oh my gosh. I'm am sorry but from where I am seeing the world now... I have really high doubts that I won't see this message in 3 years. Plus my email probably won't be open hahaha. No, but seriously, the way I see the world now. I think I am gonna die sometime this year because of WWIII or something like that. So if you see this message then I really want you to always have hop...

Time Travelled — 6 months

A letter from Sep 07, 2024

Caro eu do futuro, Aproximadamente seis meses à partir de agora. Não tenho a menor noção de como as coisas estão seguindo, de como você está (e eu espero que esteja bem), se a dificuldade das coisas aumentou, se você está saudável, se está feliz ou se sequer está vivo. (O que ambos esperamos que sim e que permaneça desta forma.) Apesar de não saber em nada do que nos espera pela frente, ...

Time Travelled — almost 1 year

A letter from Feb 13, 2024

Para eu do futuro, estou no meu melhor momento, e você, como está agora? Se formou? fez uma boa escolha ao mudar de escola? fez novos amigos? e sua vida com Deus, a minha tá boa e a sua, melhorou? Seus pais, estão mais liberais? Vc já tá namorandokkkkk? E os meninos, voltaram? Fizeram a turnê? Vc foi(me diz q sim😭)? E os animes e doramas da tua lista, terminou? Como está sua bisa? Já começou a ...

Time Travelled — 3 months

A letter from Mar 22, 2024

I’m literally crying right now, Normally it’s me trying to jinx it like a fool but I’m depressed, I feel like I’m letting everyone down, people at school are trying to reassure me but They all know man, everyone knows, I’m an idiot, what is wrong with me, 6 in speaking bro, that’s the one you can literally prepare for, it was my last practice for it, can you believe it because I cannot, Abdulla...

Time Travelled — 4 months

A letter from Nov 13, 2024

Hola María, Solo quería recordarte como hoy has salido de casa, sin darte cuenta te han saludado, te han girado, el también se ha girado, y os habéis mirado y le has dicho hola, de forma tímida y sorprendida de que te saludaran. No se si el chicho lo ha hecho por educación (no es normal que alguien te salude por la calle), o si lo ha hecho porque le he atraído. En todo caso, ha sido un bo...

Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from March 6th, 2021

Привет это 2021 год 6 Марта, Мы живём на Северном Кипре. Турция, Северный Кипр, Гирне, Лапта, Асмали Сокак Блок Ц Квартира 1 и 3 (у нас две квартиры). Сегодня хотели сходить в футбол но там было 20 турков так что мы не поиграли в футбол, но мы поиграли в баскетбол потому что мы использовали руки в место кольца. Были я, Егор, марго, кирил, Тимофей ярослав. У нас есть канал на ютубе, он назы...

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