
When FutureMe is featured in the news, on the radio, in a podcast…

"In a time of dopamine-drenched social media feeds, this might be the world’s slowest messaging service."
"Backcasting" to the future feature in CNN
Magazine feature article (and silly picture!) in the LA Times written by Pulitizer Prize winning author J.R. Moehringer
The experiences of people who have written letters to themselves to be opened in years to come.
“I've been using FutureMe for a couple of years and have found it very useful.”
“Time travel magic”
FutureMe founder Matt interviewed by Scott Simon on Weekend Edition
"Writing Prompts for All Grade Levels" - Sometimes students need a little push to activate their imaginations."
BoingBoing wrote an article about a copy-cat site by Forbes...but the readers came to our rescue (thanks guys!)