Time Travelled — almost 1 year

A letter from September 4th, 2019

Sep 04, 2019 Sep 04, 2020


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, I threw myself away. My hobbies, my feelings, my beliefs. I just want to be that plain human that lives to survive and aurvives to live. Nothing more and nothing less. Sure, art seems a bit extra effort for me, but I guess that'll be my onky way of showing true and genuine affection. I've had enough of this ********. Just a few more years and I'll graduate. Just a few more years and I'll have a job. A few more years and I'll achieve my goal. A few more years and I can die now; I can commit suicide. Aside from my parents, there are no bloody reason to live really. Lovers? Nah I don't have those. Friends? Or are they? I have trust issues and none of them I can trust. Anime? Nah, they always hate me? All those nonliving things? They're just that, nonliving. They aren't worth anything for my life. *****, that is my endgoal. I hate this world of ours.


over 4 years later


Arelt a tib btu it ,ephanp ttiell wlli will hpanpe.
0252 ha-rmc.

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