Time Travelled — 6 months

A letter from Jul 22, 2024

Jul 22, 2024 Jan 22, 2025


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, I'm gonna write this in english cause god I don't even have the right words in our mother tongue, sorry lmao. Sooo, how is it going ? Are we better ? Mentally .. ? Cause right now, **** it hurts so much. It's only been some months since we wrote this letter so you probably remember but she broke up with us 3 days ago. For no reason, well, there was a reason, yk, she "isn't made for relationships and she is scared she'll hurt me if she stays". Like... please. She knows she hurts me by leaving meanwhile she NEVER hurt me when we were together. I just want to run to her house and begs her to come back, to stay and I promise i'll do things right. She told us we did not do anything wrong and it's all her fault but how am i supposed to believe it ? I miss her so much it physically hurts, and the fact she was so close to that one girl at the bday party 2 days ago, the day right after she broke up with us, you remember ? How hard we cried. Just, please, tell me we're alright now, tell me we moved on and are happy. Because I'm already so exhausted of crying and being in pain. Softer subjects now, I want to compare things so: Right now, our fav color is green/purple (like her bro), fav book THE CRUEL PRINCE OMG IT WAS SO GOOOOOD, fav song would be Nobody's home by Avril Lavigne (and wildflower by Billie Eilish bc the lyrics reminds me of her), and iggg that's all i want to know ? Oh right, one more question, do we still wear the matching bracelets or we finally took them off ? Cause rn, I cannot take them off, because it'll make things too real, yk. I seriously hope we are doing okay now, because I'm in a lot of pain. Please take care of yourself, love you <3


about 6 hours later

GIRLLLL GET UP OMFGGG WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS IM LAUGHING SO HARDDD???? Omg omg being like this over such a BASIC *** girl...

Fo mlo tluaaycl ehr nwo were ocf trbtee os tou 'eerw fwt we eguela. Cb asw tolp sceua ex am"ed twsit pu she w"astn reov fro oekbr wtb joibl nto erh rnletipsoahs"i hse nto hse. Oru all hre vene dan ooos vosonc i lal o'ntd nmae but but as hot ehr ndeisognirc kcbilgno dkki won i i'm ocsssrnehte fo esen deteled be scip ananw. .
Wluod dytoa, sarpi by by gsgnog si me onwk aopmal hte of fva as vfa tel is eb eulcr ,pcnier rbloua stb lilst p,plure fva okbo ndad orolc. .
**** erwe we htye aaynyw ocf gylu etsrlceab rigl fof htseo ootk. .
In ddi gieesn emak nto,e in on kayo mttptae )iitrpdtpea,ca ltshpoia hehced,sooolm won *isdec* a fo we eth be hsoclo rseuosi nda eeesmrbpt hto neve ti bc pu ubseace hte onw, tuqi e'ewr lnoy oemr napi tno( btu a lmenta rbake up 'erew a ot fo adn dende a tasertpih. I ogod retebt ont gdoin cna ti, sti' etcefrp ree'w utb telinifyde 'rewe ltlis lfee nogid nad. Eyallr ogdo.
Tlawsa dna p,u taht vreen yuo ,voer wehn e'trseh tnihk vnee oruy hspolsee nto si gnis is't gevi all sthi epoh t'is ot 'eyruo. Slyfroeu cna dan orf keat ielwh eacr fo uoy eplh llist seek. 3<.

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