Dear FutureMe,
Oh my gosh. I'm am sorry but from where I am seeing the world now... I have really high doubts that I won't see this message in 3 years. Plus my email probably won't be open hahaha. No, but seriously, the way I see the world now. I think I am gonna die sometime this year because of WWIII or something like that. So if you see this message then I really want you to always have hope for the future. Like right now I think that one day this message will deliver and be sitting in your inbox forever because you aren't alive to check it. (Yeah I know this sounds dark) but in reality, you are probably reading this and laughing. I really hope I still have strong faith in God and if not. Please come back to God as he is there and will always be there for you! Also, I hope that you have good self-confidence and although I don't believe it as I am writing this. I hope that in the future you believe you are beautiful. Also, have u been getting keratin treatment still??? BCS I want to! anyway LOVE U! wait love myself? that's weird LOL BYE!
3 days latergirl...
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