Time Travelled — almost 3 years

A letter from June 5th, 2020

Jun 05, 2020 Jun 05, 2023

Peaceful right?

Dear Spencer, You may or may not still be working within the corporate world. It's only been my fourth day at the office but its quite a lot to adjust to. The whole 9-5, American dream. We've always been conflicted within ourself. Of who we are, what we think we are supposed to do that makes us happy. Who others want to us to be. What we the world and society tells us we are supposed to be and who and what is within the bounds of our dreams. When you are reading this, I want you to ask yourself. Are you happy? Are you on the right path that is leading you to your best life? Your best self? The dream you wanted? The man you were meant to be? If you still find yourself lost with the world, please, promise me. Promise yourself, that you will make the change. To do what is necessary to put you on your path. It is never too late to change. I love you with everything that I am, no matter what. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be the best version of yourself. Love yourself. Love, Spencer


almost 2 years ago

Thank you for inspiring others through your message .

Letter Author:

almost 2 years ago

Hey there! I totally forgot I did this. What an amazing treat to find on my day off. I am in fact doing really well. I quit that corporate job after a year. Now I’m bartending, writing, painting, and creating music, and I’m so fortunate to work alongside so many amazing people and friends. It’s definitely a physically and mentally demanding job but it’s so enriching to be able to work with my hands and to work with people. As soon as I quit my job I felt free. I had to do a lot of work on me over the last few years and the work is still happening too but I’ll always be a beautiful messy work in progress. Thank you to anyone who read this.


almost 2 years ago

I am so proud of you Spencer.
This is to greater exploits and life fulfilment.


almost 2 years ago

Good on u


almost 2 years ago

Lets go Spencer, you got this!


almost 2 years ago

Would love to know what happened!


almost 2 years ago

great job man


over 1 year ago

Wow Spencer
"When you are reading this, I want you to ask yourself. Are you happy? Are you on the right path that is leading you to your best life? Your best self? The dream you wanted? The man you were meant to be? If you still find yourself lost with the world, please, promise me. Promise yourself, that you will make the change. To do what is necessary to put you on your path. It is never too late to change. I love you with everything that I am, no matter what. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be the best version of yourself."

It sounds like Current Spencer followed his heart.

So inspiring


over 1 year ago

I'm so proud of you Spencer ❤️ your letter has given me faith thank you❤️.


over 1 year ago


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