Time Travelled — almost 5 years

A letter from January 21st, 2020

Jan 21, 2020 Jan 21, 2025


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, I hope you're doing well, not too troubled by those hallucinations. I hope for us they're just temporary and that they'll go away soon, we don't wanna be schizo do we :/ Anyways, you gotta study you little ****, I wonder what you're school when this gets delivered. I really hope you're doing something related to languages and maths is going a little better. How's your little brother doing, future me? He'll be six years old right? Wow that's insane :0. Also, stop cutting yourself, it's toxic. I really hope you've stopped :/. I really really hope you'll have maintained a healthy relationship, I mean you'll be eighteen, about time! Don't stress it though :). Well that's it :) Greetings from this little ****, 21/01/2020 .


about 2 months later


No oloamo buaott tahw ngigo yuo era.

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